ph: fungal architectures

At Mogu we look at the future as well as the present and, above all, we love to think big. That’s why, in addition to researching products for the present, we also focus on projects that look beyond, to propose an increasingly sustainable tomorrow, such as the Fungal Architecture Project.

The EU-funded FUNGAR project aims to develop a structural substrate using living fungal mycelium infused with nanoparticles and polymers. This structural substrate will be able to create buildings that will grow, construct and repair themselves, while adapting to the environment.

A revolutionary new type of intelligent building made with green construction materials and capable of adaptively reacting to changes in light, temperature and air pollutants. By using fungi as an integrated structural and computational substrate, buildings would have low production and running costs, embedded artificial intelligence, and could be returned to nature when no longer in use.

The three-year FUNGAR (Fungal Architectures) project will mark the first time intelligent biological substances have been used as construction materials. It will see living organisms and computing function integrated into designing and building

At mogu, the vision of a cultivated world instead of a built one expands to imagine entire buildings made of living matter, growing and interacting with the environment, transforming over time, instead of being fabricated, assembled and decommissioned.

We’re part of this mind-blowing project together with University Of The West Of England, Bristol, CITA – Centre for IT and Architecture and the Utrecht University.