On Monday, March 26, at 7.20 AM, tune in and listen to the interview to our CEO Stefano Babbini on Radiao Rai - GR Parlamento - "L'Italia Che Va..."

If you're based in Italy, find here the radio frequency in your area.
Otherwise, you can listen to the online live streaming, by clicking here.

And, of course, you can always find the podcast on this page.
So, in case you missed the "on air", make sure to listen to the podcast to the wonderful interview and explanations that our MOGU CEO - Stefano Babbini - is providing about our company, its mission, activities, products and much more...  
in ITALIAN (podcast from 26/03, starting around minute 14:00)/

#CircularEconomy#Mycelium#Fungi #Materials#re_evolution

Find out more about "L'Italia che va..." on their facebook page.