The Mercedes-Benz feature podcast “Future Dimensions” presents bold visions of the future that will move our society in the years to come. In each episode, host Ricardia Bramley explores a utopia that seems beyond belief today.
Houses made of mushrooms and textiles grown organically? The third episode of “Future Dimensions” focuses on how we can harness the power of innovative materials to change the way we deal with our resources.
As part of the episode, Ricardia talks to one of our co-founder Maurizio Montalti about how novel materials are driving innovation and enabling designers to think in entirely new dimensions, asks founder Caroline Till to tell her about the whole range of new materials. She visits a lab where a team of architects around Jonathan Dessi-Olive is using fungal cultures to create unexpected things.
Thanks to Oliver Schrott Kommunikation GmbH
Listen the 3rd episode of Future Dimensions Podcast by Mercedes-Benz AG: