After 6 months on 9th October the 7th edition of EXPO Floriade 2022 in Holland closed its door with an amazing closing ceremony open to all its participants.
During the ceremony the Natural Pavilion together with the Exploded View beyond building has the honor to won the GOLD AWARD INDOOR, one of the most prestigious award at Floriade.

This year the main theme of Floriade was “Growing green cities” which means show new technologies, future products and finding solutions for growing urbanisation, food supply, health and energy saving worldwide. It was in fact characterized by an enormous variety of flowers and plants, but it was also dominated by green innovations and other ways of appreciating ‘green’, such as tree and plant ecosystems.
The Natural Pavilion showed the future of residential construction by focusing on sustainability and circularity. The pavilion was composed of 95% bio-based materials while the Exploded View Beyond Building consists of 100 natural building materials. The Floriade’s jury felt that the exhibition fully embraced the theme and gave an insight into technologies and ideas that can be part of a sustainable future. The natural world has many answers to the challenges we face and both the pavilion and the house translated this into a fantastic experience for visitors.
Mogu was inside the Natural Pavilion “Nature Loves Technology“, organized by NEXT NATURE, providing:
Our 67% biobased Mogu Floor FLEX. Mogu Flex comes in resilient and flexible roll form and can be applied to large and high-traffic areas, such as offices, buildings and hospitality.
The Foresta Acoustic System which combines nature and mycelium radical innovation with the aim to reconnect Nature and every day’s spaces.

Mogu was also inside the fungi room of “The Exploded View Beyond Buildings” with our FLOOR FLEX and WAVE acoustic panels. The installation, in occasion of Floriade, was moved from the Dutch Design Week and placed in front of the Natural Pavilion with some exciting changes.