EU Seal of Excellence

6 June 2016

We are glad to announce that Mycoplast has been honoured by the European Commission with the Seal of Excellence, under the SME Instrument / Horizon 2020.

Mycoplast is Winner Alimenta 2 Talent

15 May 2016

We are happy to announce that Mycoplast has won the Alimenta 2 Talent competition. The prize has been awarded during the  Seeds and Chips event, in Milan.

Biobased Startup Day – Cologne

2 April 2016

Mycoplast will present the MOGU Project and its activities to a large expert audience, as part of the Biobased Startup Day, in Cologne (DE).  

New Headquarter @Mycoplast

1 January 2016

Join us for the festive opening of Mycoplast’s new headquarters in Inarzo (VA) – Italy!